What is Hypnosis Used For?

What’s hypnosis used for?

What is hypnosis good for?

What can hypnosis help with?

How can you use hypnosis to benefit your life?

These are common questions I receive from many people who are not very familiar with hypnotherapy and hypnosis. After all, hypnosis is this scary “thing” that we see in Hollywood movies and stage shows. How can a technique as such help?

Common hypnosis applications

Many people know hypnosis with things like weight loss, or breaking habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol use, or binge eating.

Many people also know hypnosis for helping with fears and phobias. For example, if you have a fear of vomiting, fear of driving on the freeways, fear of driving over bridges, or fear of dogs, you may have heard about hypnosis.

Some people also know hypnosis for helping with increasing self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth.

Hypnosis for subconscious reprogramming

But hypnosis is just so much more than that.

Just think about what we do when we work with hypnosis and hypnotherapy. We work with the part of the mind that is running about 90 of your day-to-day actions. We call this part the subconscious mind.

That means we can work on so many different things that are affecting your life and the way you live your life.

In other words, hypnosis can actually, help with a variety of things from self-doubt to increasing self-esteem, from increasing motivation to increasing focus, or even clinical cases such as depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD.

Of course, we would be working with a licensed mental health therapist or whoever is appropriately licensed and trained in that specific clinical area.

Hypnosis for clinical issues

Hypnosis can also help with physical pain-related issues such as autoimmune disorders, psychosomatic disorders or even chronic pain.

Actually, that happens to be the most interesting area for me, personally. I'm fascinated with the Mind-Body connection and how hypnosis can really help with highlighting and strengthening that Mind-Body connection.

So with the help of hypnosis, it is possible to change your chronic pain and release it; maybe even get rid of it all together.

And finally, have that free, comfortable, and desirable life that you want and deserve!