Past Life Regression Youtube Videos explained

hypnosis for past life regression

A client came to me with a big question in mind; how past life regression Youtube videos are different from past life regression sessions? This is not the first time I’ve heard this question. Anytime when someone is curious about past lives, they will search it through online resources first and maybe even try a few suggested techniques to have a glimpse of what their mysterious past holds for them.

Since Youtube has become one of the largest online search engines, nowadays, we can find hundreds of videos about past life regression, how it’s done, and even past life regression meditation videos. There are informational videos from highly reputable sources but there are also misleading videos that can leave you with inaccurate information. So, the question in mind remains the same: What to expect from past life regression Youtube videos?


Past life regression Youtube videos are generic

Think of a video that is targeted at thousands of people. How can that recording be personalized to meet your needs? Youtube past life regression videos are great for exploring, understanding, or learning about others’ experiences. However, especially if you are curious about past life regression to tackle a specific problem in your life, these videos may not do the job.

The subconscious mind works the best with personal cues, words that are familiar to us, and ideas that we are accustomed to. By using these already established “knowns”, we can open the doors of the subconscious mind. Within the subconscious mind, we can reach memories from our past lives.

Of course, everyone is different and everyone will have different words, cues, or triggers that will open up the subconscious mind. A Youtube video will be limited to general cue words that the majority of the population could relate to. Therefore, there is a good chance that your subconscious mind may be resistant to letting go.


Guided past life regression videos may be misleading

The mind is vast like an ocean. When we are in a calmer and more relaxed state, our minds are more vulnerable to directions and leading. For example, especially under highly suggestible states like hypnosis, our minds can make up non-existing memories.

Leading suggestions are questions or cues such as “Is your family at home with you?”. When these types of questions are asked during a hypnotic journey, the subconscious mind will search deeper to find an appropriate answer to the question rather than exploring what’s around. Think of someone who is in the middle of remembering a memory from their past lives and they hear this question. What if the person doesn’t have a family in that life? Or what if there is no home? Asking a question like this will block the possibilities that may be present.

During a past life regression Youtube video, there may be leads like this one above. Therefore, your mind may be bringing answers to leads rather than purely understanding the existing circumstances. There can also be lots of open-ended visualizations which may leave you wondering about the meanings of these images.

On the contrary, an experienced hypnotherapist will be careful not to ask leading questions knowing how the mind works. During hypnosis, your hypnotherapist will hold space for what is remembered from the subconscious mind rather than leading.

Guided meditations may require more experience

When I first started doing meditation, one of the hardest things was getting out of my head. Every time I started my meditation all of a sudden, my mind was filled with all the unnecessary thoughts like laundry, my to-do list, or cleaning my dog’s poop. In time, as I practiced more and more, I learned to keep the focus on my breath or give way to my thoughts.

For someone who is new to guided meditation or self-hypnosis, just creating calmness within or keeping an internal focus could be a big challenge. When an important goal such as past life regression is attached to the journey, the pressure on the mind increases. Therefore, someone who is not well conditioned to drift into a state of calmness and relaxation could have a hard time opening up their subconscious mind let alone exploring their past lives. 


May be hard to make sense without a professional help

Working one-on-one with a hypnotherapist could be a better option for a past life regression journey. Usually, a hypnotherapist is an experienced professional who has helped many others like you. Therefore, not only the hypnotherapist will hypnotize you to reach your subconscious mind but also will facilitate the past life regression journey.

After understanding you and your goals, a hypnotherapist will know what is needed for relief. Sometimes the memories from past lives may not make sense to you but your hypnotherapist will help you to understand and process them. With the help of your hypnotherapist, you will be able to turn your past lives into lifelong wisdom.

Final words 

Maybe you already tried one of these Youtube videos for past life regression or you are hesitant. Don’t worry, almost everyone tries those guided journeys before they decide to explore past life regression further. Although these videos and guided past life regression journeys may be a good start, they may not connect you with your subconscious mind. To explore what’s your past holding for you more, work with a certified and experienced hypnotherapist to tap into your mind’s wisdom!