Finding the Root Cause of Social Anxiety With Hypnosis

Avoiding social anxiety on your own by struggling and working on your breathing is one way of dealing with it, but trying hypnotherapy for a long-term solution is another.

How many times have you found yourself trying so hard to put yourself out there; breathing, challenging your thoughts but yet, still, struggling to strive in social situations? If this is you, it may be time to dig deeper to find the root of what’s behind social anxiety.

Social anxiety is a common issue that affects many people worldwide. It's characterized by excessive fear and self-consciousness in social situations, and it can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life.

For some people, social anxiety may be less invasive, preventing them to join networking events and such. But some people may even find it difficult to go to the market or walk on the street due to social anxiety.

Finding the root cause of social anxiety can be tough, but hypnosis may be an effective tool to uncover the underlying issues. Here is how:



How can hypnotherapy help with finding the root cause of social anxiety?

Hypnosis is already known to help remember memories or find misplaced items. Contrary to belief, hypnosis is actually not as accurate as it was predicted to recall memories correctly. However, hypnotherapy is so much more than just remembering old memories.

Not only hypnotherapy can help with healing but also it can help with digging deep, subconsciously to bring out the “real” cause.



Hypnosis can help with revealing hidden experiences

One of the main benefits of hypnosis for social anxiety is that it allows individuals to access deeper levels of their subconscious mind. This can reveal memories, emotions, and experiences that may be contributing to their anxiety.

For instance, a person who experiences social anxiety may have had a traumatic experience in their childhood that still affects them, or they may have learned to associate social situations with negative emotions.



Hypnosis can help identify root beliefs

Hypnosis can also help individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs that are contributing to their social anxiety. For example, a person may have beliefs such as "I am not good enough" or "People will judge me" that are causing them to feel anxious in social situations.

Through hypnosis, they can be guided to reframe these thoughts and beliefs in a more positive way, which can help reduce their anxiety.


Hypnotherapy can help with uncovering the root cause of social anxiety with various hypnotic techniques.


Re-scripting the triggering event with hypnosis

One method of hypnosis that's particularly effective for treating social anxiety is called "re-scripting."

This technique involves guiding the individual to imagine a past event that caused them anxiety, then helping them change the outcome in their mind. This can reduce the emotional charge associated with the event and can help reduce anxiety in similar situations in the future.



Re-creating a positive experience with hypnosis

Another method is called "future pacing" which allows individuals to visualize themselves in a future situation where they would normally feel anxious, then imagine themselves handling it in a calm and confident way. During hypnosis, our minds don’t know the difference between imagination and reality.

This can help create new neural pathways in the brain that will make it easier for the person to react the same way in real life.



Replacing anxiety with relaxation with hypnosis

In addition to these specific techniques, hypnosis can also be used to help individuals relax, reduce stress, and improve their overall emotional well-being. This can make it easier for them to manage their anxiety in social situations.



Final words from B Hypnotized

It's important to note that hypnosis is not a magic solution, and it may not work for everyone. But, if you believe in your mind power and are ready to use your subconscious mind for yourself, it is the tool for you!

By accessing deeper levels of the subconscious mind, identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and beliefs, and using techniques like re-scripting and future pacing, hypnosis can help individuals reduce their anxiety and improve their quality of life. It's always best to work with a professional hypnotist or therapist to get the best results.