Did You Have a Past Life? Here Are Some Signs:

Many of us wonder whether we had a past life or not. Some of us are courageous enough to take the next step and further explore. And for the rest, past lives are still a big unknown.  

For decades, there has been one main question when exploring past life regression with hypnosis: How do we know if the past life experience is real or not? According to the famous psychiatrist and writer of the book “Children Who Remember Previous Lives”, Dr. Ian Stevenson, “the state of a person during hypnosis resembles in many ways–although not in all–that of a person dreaming”. This can help understanding how memories under hypnosis and pure imagination can easily get tangled.

Every day, we may be living with the knowledge and memories of our past selves stored deep in the subconscious mind. What if you had some signs or flashbacks of your past lives and you didn’t even know? Common signs of past lives can appear in the most unexpected ways.

There are some signs that can give you hints of your past lives.


1-    Connection to random objects

How many times have you felt a serious connection to a silly object that doesn’t mean or worth much when you look at its face value? Some people feel this towards crystals, a necklace, or a decorative item. They know exactly what they feel, but they don’t know why do they feel that way when they come in contact with an object. These objects almost play a role as a gateway or a key to another dimension.

One of my earlier clients felt that she had a special connection to heart-shaped objects. Another client talked about an antique object that meant protection to her. And they both had memories involving these objects in their past lives.

If you have a special object or an item like these, you may feel drawn to them because of your past memories.


2-    Strong emotional bond to a random person or an animal 

We all love our pets tremendously, right? But a weird emotional bond is much different than having pure love for your pet. Some people will “think” that their pet acts just like their father who passed away years ago or their pet reminds them of someone they know but cannot recall exactly who.

At times you may meet with someone for the first time but feel like you’ve known them for years. Even a far family member may feel like the closest person to your soul.

These signs from your past lives may be hard to differentiate since we usually love family members or pets naturally. However, cycling back to someone no matter what happens or having that deeper connection with one pet could be positive signs of your past lives.


3-    Inexplicable fear or a phobia 

Uncommon fears and phobias are the most popular reasons for someone to try past life regression. After all, why would you be fearful of still water for no reason, right?

Unresolved issues or traumatic events that took place in another life can come with us until we clear them. For example, if you died drowning in a past life, you may develop a fear of water or if you were bitten by a dog in your past life, you may have fear of dogs in this life.

An inexplicable fear or phobia may be calling you to finally bring a resolution to that lifetime so you can move on without repeating the same patterns.


4- Inexplicable physical discomfort

One of the most common medical terms that we hear these days is “psychosomatic illness”. According to Britannica dictionary, psychosomatic illness is a “condition in which psychological stresses adversely affect physiological (somatic) functioning to the point of distress”. In order words, psychosomatic illness is the discomfort that affects your life but when you go to the doctor, there doesn’t seem to be any physical cause or abnormality for your problem.

Although most psychosomatic illnesses are caused by intense stress or trauma in this life, there are some cases of physical illnesses due to a past life trauma as well. A perfect example can be having throat problems because of dying by hand choking in a past life or constantly developing leg problems because of repressed memories of being stabbed in the leg in a past life.

If you don’t have a physical cause for your problem or if you weren’t exposed to an extreme situation or a stressor in this life, can it be your past life showing up in this realm?


5-    Feeling familiar with a place or location

Do you know the feeling when you go to a hotel but miss your bed immediately? Even if it’s not in this form for all of us, we all have this feeling when we are away from home usually. However, some people who unexpectedly encounter past life memories somewhere can feel like they are at home in a totally foreign place. 

There are many examples of this phenomenon. For example, going on vacation to another country and being very familiar with a small town or knowing details that rare people know about a place. Perhaps, you used to live there in another lifetime?


6-    Strange childhood memories

There are many cases of children who have memories from their past lives. Interestingly, some kids even speak a foreign language fluently for a day or they talk about other family members when they were living in another city. Tom Shroder’s book “Old Souls: Compelling Evidence From Children Who Remember Past Lives” is a great example of how children are very susceptible to their past life memories.

This can be explained by how kids are still in the transition period in-between lives. As the soul adjusts to the new life and learns a new era, the old memories may come in the form of flashbacks and confuse the child for the first 3 years of life.

If you remember talking about another life as a kid or if your family ever mentioned that you used to talk about imagery memories with imagery families, you may have been recalling your past lives instead.


7-    Dreams of historic times or other dimensions

Dreams have been a very mysterious topic for many people from Ancient Greeks to modern researchers. Although dreams are nothing but meaningless images for some people, for us hypnotherapists and subconscious explorers, dreams are the gateway to the subconscious mind.

During dreams, the subconscious mind reveals hidden beliefs, memories, and emotions. If we pay close attention to dreams, we can learn quite a bit about ourselves. This is also when past life memories can rise up to conscious awareness.

Some examples can be seeing yourself in a different dimension, a different era, in a different body, or with a different group of people that feels familiar. These dreams are different than fantasy dreams because they are similar to real-life roles and experiences. If you are dreaming of your past lives, there may be much more for you to discover!