Can You Reprogram Your Mind with Sleep Hypnosis?

Sleep has been a mystical topic for humanity for hundreds of years. Even Ancient Greeks were amazed by the topic of sleep. The Greek God of sleep was called Hypnos, who was the son of Nyx (Night) and also the twin brother of Thanatos (Death).

We are mostly amazed by sleep because although our body mimics a death-like state, our mind is extremely active, almost as active as during the day! During sleep, the mind is very busy with processing daily information, managing memory, emotional regulation, and regulating the physical functions of the magical human body! 

Right before we fall asleep is a very fertile time frame for planting new ideas in the mind. As hypnotherapists, we call this time a “natural hypnotic state”. The brain waves slow down, the body prepares to fall asleep and the mind gets ready to recondition the mind. It’s in this state when we can create magic!

This is also the reason why it’s not recommended to watch the news or tune into negative information before you sleep. Because the mind takes it all in! Have you ever watched a horror movie or a murder mystery before sleep and had a very uncomfortable sleep? No wonder why you had nightmares that night!

“ Every day in every way I am getting better and better.”

Émile Coué

Well-known psychologist Émile Coué knew about the power of this state and he had a simple formula for his patients; he recommended them to simply repeat the sentence “Every day in every way I am getting better and better.” 20 times right before they sleep. And it worked!

So, can we reprogram our minds during sleep? If so, what’s the extent of reprograming our minds with a simple before-sleep mantra?


How to reprogram your mind during sleep?

The formula to benefit from sleep hypnosis is simple: take advantage of the slowed-down brain state before sleep.


Repeat simple mantras

There are a few ways of doing this. Clearly, one is repeating a positive mantra like the one that Coué suggested or you can also create your own positive mantra such as “Tomorrow I am going to hear a great news” or “I am getting more and more confident.”. The reason why Coué chose that mantra is that that sentence covered all the possible improvements anyone may want to have in life.


Listen to a hypnosis recording

Another way is listening to a hypnosis recording or practicing self-hypnosis before you sleep. Since your brain waves are already calmer and your body is in natural hypnosis, the suggestions that you put into your mind will be more powerful.  

A hypnosis recording usually has lots of positive ideas and cues for your mind to follow. Especially If the recording is targeted to you or the issue that you need help with, it will be even more powerful. You can find hypnosis recordings from your hypnotherapist or purchase recordings prepared for specific topics like this one. The only thing you need to do is to put on your headphones and fall asleep listening to your recording!

Hypnosis recordings will not only help you to fall asleep easier but also, they can help you direct your mind towards new subconscious programming while you are asleep. Yes, it’s that simple! But repetition is the key!


Practice self-hypnosis

Practicing self-hypnosis before sleep is very similar to listening to hypnosis recordings. Self-hypnosis helps to organize thoughts, therefore, relaxing the mind. Following relaxation, you can give yourself positive suggestions about whatever topic you need help with. Make sure to be positive while you give suggestions to yourself. For example, a sentence such as “I don’t want to be anxious anymore” is still a negative affirmation.



Journaling is a powerful technique to stimulate the subconscious mind. Simple journaling before sleep can help with steering the subconscious mind towards the positive. Write about the qualities you desire or wish to have in your life. Imagine how your life would be if your desired life was real. How does it look like or feel like? Write down all the details.


How to be successful with sleep hypnosis?

To make the most out of the hypnotic state before sleep, watch out for these small things:

  • Repetition is the key to success when it comes to mastering your mind. Whichever method you choose, make sure to repeat it every night. The more you repeat the closer you are to success!

  • Make sure to be positive in your thinking or sentences. Our minds can bring up negative things very easily, especially when we are calmer than normal. Be aware of your thoughts and steer your mind back to positive if needed. If you have a hard time focusing on the positive, use hypnosis recordings as a start since they already have plenty of positive ideas.

  • If you are using affirmations, make them in the present tense. When we use sentences in the present tense, with repetition, our mind can react as if that sentence is actually happening right now. 

  • If you had a bad day or are in a negative mood, first try to relax your mind before you practice sleep hypnosis. Remember, in a highly suggestible mental state, it’s important to pay attention to what you allow into your mind.