Can Hypnosis Help With Fear and Anxiety?

Fear and anxiety are natural emotions that we all experience from time to time. While they serve a purpose to protect us from danger, when they become overwhelming and start affecting your daily life, it can be challenging to manage them.

Another important point is that fear and anxiety usually go hand in hand. It’s almost impossible for someone who is facing fear not to deal with anxiety at the same time. Therefore, addressing both can bring greater results.

Luckily, hypnosis is an increasingly popular method to help manage these emotions. Here is how:



Understanding Fear and Anxiety:

Firstly, let's define what fear and anxiety are. Fear is an immediate response to a perceived threat or danger, while anxiety is a more generalized feeling of unease or worry. Both emotions can cause physical symptoms such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath.

Think about the last time when you felt very anxious. Probably it was a “regular” life situation for some people. However, it created anxiety within you.

Fear and anxiety can be triggered by a wide variety of situations, such as social situations, medical procedures, and public speaking. You can also read more about different fears here.



How Can Hypnosis Help with Fear and Anxiety:

Fear and anxiety arise unconsciously from the subconscious mind. Even at times when you really wanted to feel confident or at ease, you may find yourself flooded with emotions. This is exactly where hypnosis comes into play.

Hypnotherapy can help with addressing the issue subconsciously.

Rewire your subconscious mind with hypnosis 

Hypnosis is a technique that can help manage fear and anxiety by accessing the subconscious mind. This part of the mind controls automatic reactions, including emotional responses. With the help of hypnosis, you can wire your mind’s reactional emotions to balanced emotions.


Identify the root cause with hypnosis 

Hypnosis can also help with identifying the source of fear or anxiety and reframing it in a positive light. By doing so, you can learn to react differently to situations that would previously trigger a fear response.

Sometimes powerful hypnotic techniques such as rescripting or future pacing can help processing and re-coding the root cause of fear or anxiety positively.


Improve your confidence with hypnosis 

Another way how hypnosis can help with fear and anxiety is by helping with building confidence and learning relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, which can be helpful in reducing anxiety.

When we feel confident in our ability to be in control of triggering situations, we can maintain a sense of safety and calmness. Hypnosis can help anchor a safe, secure feeling within.


Hypnotherapy can help rewiring fear and anxiety.

Research on Hypnosis and Fear/Anxiety:

There is a growing body of research supporting the effectiveness of hypnosis in managing fear and anxiety. For example, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that hypnosis was an effective treatment for panic disorder, a type of anxiety disorder.

Another study published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis found that hypnosis was an effective treatment for various phobias.  

One remarkable meta-analysis that was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis noted that participants who received hypnosis reduced anxiety 79% more than the control group.

What to Expect During a Hypnosis Session:

Hypnosis sessions can be conducted by a qualified hypnotherapist or self-hypnosis can be practiced individually. A hypnotherapist will guide you into a state of trance with deep relaxation, focus, and calmness.

In this state of hypnotic trance, your subconscious mind will become more suggestible. This is when the hypnotherapist can give you positive suggestions to help reframe your thinking around the fear or anxiety.

The goal is to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, which can help reduce the physical and emotional symptoms associated with fear and anxiety.



If you're struggling with fear or anxiety, hypnosis may be a very promising method to consider. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnosis can help identify the source of fear or anxiety and reframe it in a positive light.

Additionally, hypnosis can help build confidence and learn relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, which can be helpful in reducing anxiety. Remember, it's important to work with a qualified hypnotherapist or to practice self-hypnosis if you want to be more in control.