5 Virtues That You Probably Have but Haven’t Accepted Yet

Hey, I have something to tell you! You may be stronger than you think! 

Often, we are quick to underestimate ourselves and our virtues. We are usually the first ones to put ourselves down or it’s easy to talk negatively to ourselves. What about the great qualities that you offer? What about some virtues that helped you to get to where you are now?

There are some common characteristics that many of us have but do not recognize since they seem very simple. However, in reality, these virtues are extremely helpful and important to have.

Here are a few of the simple yet very important strengths one can have:


1-    Hope

Hope may sound cliché these days; we always see it printed on cups and T-shirts. Truth is, it is probably the most important ingredient for us to continue moving forward in life. After all, if there is no hope, there is no need to pursue a dream or goal.  

Hope is the inner knowledge and drive that there is a different possibility; a possibility of things being different and better. Barbara Fredrickson, a positive psychology researcher, says that hope shows up at the worst possible time when things are dire and difficult, but it can keep us going during those hard moments. If during the difficulty, we can see the faint glimmer of something better, then hope “opens us up,”. 

Imagine going through a difficult disease or thinking about working on a relationship without hope. It would be easy to predict the negative outcome. Hope is what keeps us going. It is what helps us hang on just a little bit more even at the worst times.

If you have hope, you have future.



2-    Dreams 

If you think dreams are only for children, you are missing out a lot! Without dreams, we would be lost by now. We wouldn’t have hope or direction!

Dreaming and imagining helps us be clear about what we want in life and what really excites us. Dreams also help us achieve things that may not exist in reality at the moment.

Artists may call it a vision, and wanderers may call it daydreaming, but they all have the same ingredient: imagining the future in the most desired way.

If you have dreams, you have a goal!


3-    Imperfection 

Many of us worry about being perfect but actually, imperfections are what make us perfectly human! Without the imperfections, we wouldn’t have a chance to improve and find different options. On top of it, everything would be boring because there is no room for change, improvement, or trying.

In other words, if you are imperfect, you are perfect!

By accepting your imperfections, you may open the door for a deeper connection with others. Because nobody is perfect and by accepting your flaws and vulnerabilities, you may naturally be more likable and relatable!


4-    Gratitude

If you have gratitude for yourself and your life, you are one of the luckiest people who have found happiness! Without gratitude, we would be chasing happiness day after day, never to find it. Gratitude is what helps us realize that happiness and all the things we think we need are actually right here, at this moment, and it’s up to us to see it or not.

Ellen DeGeneres has a great quote that I love! She says “The thing everyone should realize is that the key to happiness is being happy by yourself and for yourself” and the only way to do this is by gratitude.

Gratitude helps us recognize the great things we have internally and physically. These existing qualities are the things that will supply us with further motivation and inner peace.

If you can find gratitude within, you are a happy person!


5-    Willpower 

Will power or stamina, is necessary for us humans to continue on a long path with high motivation and strength. Often times we may need to take breaks, or a few steps back at times but as long as we have willpower, there is no doubt that we will reach the final goal.

Will power is that inner strength that helps us be creative, and find motivation at all times. Thanks to willpower we can change habits, pursue a goal, or discover a new tool that can change humanity!

If you have willpower, you have the power to touch the world in a different way!